ART 470 Web Design: Principles & Practice
Hi! All slides will be available on this page, and they're all
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1/21 -
What is the Web?
1/23 -
Semantic Text & Typography
1/28 -
Files on the Web
1/28 -
View Source & Inspect Element
1/30 -
Semantic Structure & The Box Model
2/4 -
Defining Your Audience
2/6 - Coding a Homepage
2/11 -
Human-Centered Design
2/13 - Coding an E-Commerce Product Page
2/18 -
Information Architecture
2/20 - Paper Prototypes
2/25 -
2/27 - Low-Fidelity Prototypes
3/4 - High-Fidelity Prototypes
3/6 - Interaction Design
3/11 - NO CLASS - Spring Recess (Relax!)
3/13 - NO CLASS - Spring Recess (You Earned It!)
3/18 - Design Systems
3/20 -
Capstone Project: Introduction
3/25 - Capstone Project: Concept
3/27 - Capstone Project: Define Your Audience
4/1 - Capstone Project: Project Management
4/3 - Capstone Project: Info Architecture
4/8 - Capstone Project: Paper Prototypes
4/10 - Capstone Project: Design Prototypes
4/15 - Capstone Project: Design System
4/17 - Capstone Project: Code Working Day 1
4/22 - Capstone Project: Code Working Day 2
4/24 - Capstone Project: Code Working Day 3
4/29 - Capstone Project: Code Working Day 4
5/1 - Capstone Project: Presentation Day