Capstone Project: Introduction

So What Was the Point?

Sure, OK, technical stuff. Using some programs. Watching me not be able to use programs.

But what else?

Broad Questions We've Explored

Final Project

Develop and present a website to help define the core concepts from the class using the tools and methods that we've discussed over the past two months.

Core Deliverable

A website built on Glitch ready to present on .

Criteria for the Website

Presenting Your Work

On the last day of classes (Apr 29), you'll present and answer questions about the parts of the site you worked on and the design process leading to those choices.

Ideas of Things to Present

Grading Criteria

One letter grade each for presenting your proficiency each of the design process stages we go through:

  1. Audience Research
  2. Prototyping
  3. Accessibility
  4. Code Implementation

What I Will Do

You define the copy sections and what they need to say or what function it has. I will write it for y'all's approval.

You get a design or feature 90% of the way there, I will help you get unstuck to keep production going.

You design and implement a feature, I will check for accessibility and give any additional requirements.

How Class Will Go

Present where we're at, what we've worked on, what blockers we have to our work.

Brainstorm on the next steps for the design process.

Free working "studio" time for questions, working, etc.